The Turkey Citizenship-by-Investment Program was launched in January 2017 to attract foreign direct investment to and boost growth in the country’s real estate sector. The program allows applicants to choose from a number of different types of economic contributions to Turkish society, thereby developing the country’s economy.
With the city of Istanbul embracing Europe and Asia on the Bosphorus Strait, Turkey is established as a transcontinental Eurasian country. Its location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia makes it a country of significant geo strategic importance. The real estate route is particularly attractive for investors. This requires a property purchase of a minimum of $250,000 + fees, making Turkey one of the lowest cost citizenship by investment programmes on the market.

North America

Free education

Full medical assistance

Visa-free travel to over 110 countries with the Turkish Passport

Collection of rental returns (With Real Estate Investment options)

Obtain the Turkish passport within 6 months

You can pass the Turkish passport down to future generations

To qualify for citizenship, the main applicant should fulfill one of the following investment requirements:
REAL ESTATE: Acquire at least USD 250,000 worth of real estate.
CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION INVESTMENT: Invest a minimum of USD 500,000 fixed capital contribution.
USING A TURKISH BANK ACCOUNT: Deposit at least USD 500,000 or equivalent foreign currency or Turkish lira into a Turkish bank account.
Commit at least USD 500,000 or equivalent foreign currency or Turkish lira into government bonds.
REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT FUND SHARE: Commit at least USD 500,000 or equivalent foreign currency or Turkish lira into real estate investment fund share or venture capital investment fund share.
JOB CREATION: Create jobs for at least 50 people, as attested by the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services.
The main applicant may include their spouse, dependent children below the age of 18, and children of any age who are living with disabilities in their application.
First, we will gather all your important documents, fill in the forms, submit your application to the Government of Turkey and transfer the government the due diligence fees.
After delivering your documents, the Government will make security checks to verify your information.
Before you receive the approval, you should purchase Real Estate and open a bank account in Turkey.
After receiving the required documents, the ownership of the property is transferred to the investor.
After 6 months, the Turkish passport will be issued to you and your family.